Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pea's First Day

As many of you know Tiernan started kindergarten in August. It turned out to be a family affair. My mom came up the night before so that we could assemble at 7:45 am at Star of the Sea to get a glimpse of The Peanut. Since she's attending Catholic school the adorable plaid uniforms are required and we couldn't wait to see her all dressed up.

Tiernan arrived with Chrissy, Mark, big sister Ashton and her GIANT Cars backpack (just one of the many Cars items that were procured for kindergarten) just before eight and we were able to snap off a few quick photos of the little pupil.

Honestly, she seemed quite dazed and confused as to why everyone was there with cameras and flowers, but she lined up without incident and marched up the stairs to the kindergarten classroom.

She seems to enjoy school and has excitedly taken on classroom "jobs" like door monitor and line monitor (perfect tasks for her, as she shares some of her aunt's personality traits.) She brought her Nani for show and tell and the most exciting event to date is that she won a very LARGE telephone for being one of the early contributors in the most recent fundraiser. She must have called me a half dozen times to tell me about her new "home phone" and that I should call her back right away so that she can talk to me on her home phone. The endearing part is that she ended each message with "I love you Auntie Steph."

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thanks, Heidi and Mir

So after reading the blogs of friends and friends of friends for quite some time I decided that I would start one of my own. Who knows how often I will update, but I'm gonna give it a try.

I want to give special thanks to Heidi and Mir for the inspiration. Now I'm off to warm up some food for Cam and me to eat for dinner.

Is there more to come...check back to find out.