Monday, March 10, 2008


It’s been a bit busy for me lately. As many of you know, the “busy season” at work is in full swing, so it’s been late nights and Saturdays toiling at Forms 1120, 5471 and 8858. Hopefully the eight pound six ounce baby Jesus hears my prayers and makes this the last tax busy season for the rest of my life.

I was able to squeeze in some fun recently. A couple of weeks back Cam and I took Tiernan bowling at the world famous Sea Bowl in Pacifica. Cam and I did alright…scores somewhere near 100 even with the assistance of the bumpers and Pea’s high score was 64. She was quite proud of the fact that over two games she bowled a strike, a spare and several nines. We also enjoyed some (don't tell mom) soft drinks and as Tiernan put it, “some damn good nachos.” And yes after chuckling at her comment I did tell her that it might be better to say “darn good nachos” in the future. Truth be told they were some damn good nachos for seven bucks. A huge plate of chips covered with fresh salsa, sour cream, guacamole, beans, cheese and freshly grilled steak. I’d go back to Sea Bowl for the nachos alone.

I’ve included some photos from the event. I apologize for the quality it’s the best the Treo will do in a dimly lit bowling alley.