Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fits and Spurts

I've been lazy about posting recently. And really I don't know why because I've got a lot to put up for all to read. Good photos too. Maybe the long weekend will provide ample time for housekeeping, blogging, sunning, dog walking and yard work. Oh and maybe a day trip someplace new.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Chapstick Girl

Lip balm is not something that Tiernan needs. There are 11 different varieties of lip goo in her pouch. The organization is something to envy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

More Fun

Tiernan and I took our second annual trip to Six Flags during her spring break. We had to wait in line for a while to sort out the discount ticket sitch. Which worked to our benefit, she was free and my ticket was $30. So off to a great start.

Next on the agenda, COBRA. Its a smallish roller coaster, not quite a kiddie coaster but certainly not an upside down Vomitron. We had been on this coaster last year so we knew what to expect, it started slow and got a little faster. Overall good start to the day.

We saw both the killer whale show and the dolphin show and chose not sit close enough to get wet. Maybe next time when the weather is warmer. Tiernan took some great pics at the dolphin show.

The best part in my estimation was the last roller coaster, ROAR. Its a wooden coaster with a steep ascent and a fantastic drop. Tiernan's description is that its really slow as you go up that really big hill and then you go down really fast and then its just fast. I would say her description is accurate. While it doesn't do corkscrews or anything upside down it is pretty fast. Tiernan still tells me that it was a little bit scary. I wonder if she'll want to ride it again next year.

Oh and we also drove the Go-Karts. Well, I drove with Pea as my passenger. We crashed into the tire barricades a couple of times. My turns were a little wide at times. He he. Anyhow, Tiernan thinks that I'm a pretty good driver even though I don't practice as much as Uncle Cam.

Monday, April 13, 2009


After a night of brown cocktails (and delicious food) at Piperade, Cam and Jon traded places and Cam mixed Jon a Manhattan.

I believe Jon's comment was something like, "Not bad."

Way to go bartender. Cam can also make a tasty Margarita for those interested.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New for March

So I was able to come up with a couple of "new" adventures for March.

  • Travese: To celebrate "The Cams'" birthdays this year Alicia suggested we go to dinner in Los Gatos. As many of you know I'm not a fan of a drive to the South Bay on a Friday night, but it was a special occasion so what the hell. Honestly, for a restaurant with a Michelin star I was expecting the food to be out of this world delicious and it was not quite that spectacular. But what do I know. I think Marcello's on Taraval is fine cuisine. What Travese does have going for it is the bacon ice cream. Yes, you read that correctly, bacon ice cream. It was the absolute best part of my meal.
  • The other first which was great for me...I worked a half-day on St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Irish, but I like the idea of the holiday. Wearing green, drinking green beer, corned beef, Irish soda bread, Irish coffee. So I left work around 1, got on a train and came home to drink a couple pints of Guinness and enjoy the corned beef and cabbage that had been in the slow cooker all day. Ahhh, lucky day.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Moles, gophers and other vermin

When Cam and I first moved to the Sunset we were told about the horrible gopher problem. We heard horror stories about disappearing bulbs and new sod lawns being turned into obstacle courses. I guess we got lucky on 40th Ave, we had a gopher for about a minute. We came out one morning and there was a massive mound in the front yard. It was huge but since we didn't have any real landscaping at that point it was a none issue. We flattened the mound and that was that.

Fast forward two years and now we live on 41st. When we moved into the house, the lawns, both front and back, were lush and green. It was fantastic. That lasted about a minute.

At first it started in the back yard. Dirt piles everywhere. There went the lush green lawn. And if you've never had a gopher, not only does it make big mounds of dirt that kill the lawn because it doesn't see the sun, it all makes holes about two inches in diameter all over the lawn. Little gopher peaks and valleys if you will.

After some discussion and a trip to Home Depot we returned with sticks of gas. Yes, there was a lot of talk of Caddyshack and dynamite, which is ultimately why the sticks of gas were purchased. Since we weren't willing to risk blowing up the house to kill the gopher, we decided to gas him from his abode. Basically, insert wick in the stick of powder, light wick, cram lit stick in gopher hole. Bye bye gopher. You hope.

We thought it worked, until about two weeks later when the first mound appeared in the front yard. Ugh little bastard. The yard already looked like crap, what with half the lawn dead from a lack of water and the clover and dandelions taking over. And then add to the fact that the plumbing debacle had a pile of dirt sitting on part of the lawn for nearly a month. So really what did I care about this landscaping redesign. I CARE you see, because we are actually planning our own redesign. A great no lawn, low water yard and the last thing I want is to spend hundreds of dollars on plants just to have this gopher think he's hit the jackpot and dining at Fleur de Lys.

So off I go to Sloat Garden Center to discuss in great detail what can be done to encourage our furry friend to move along. After a 30 or so minute conversation I learn that I'm waging war on this little critter and I'm going to need to employ a multi-faceted strategy if I intend to win. Rather, hope to level the playing field (pardon the pun.)

We are currently in abate mode employing both the noxious gas and the poison granules. Yes, I said poison. I want him to go away. Don't fret though, the poison granules have not seemed to work. When little buddy was poking his head up in the neighbors lawn we quickly grabbed the can of "food" and sprinkled away. However the next day, he was at it again, this time in our yard. He was treated to yet another gas stick. I'm happy to report that it's been 72 hours since the gas stick and there are no new mounds. Perhaps he's moved on.

At any rate, the fine gentleman at Sloat also informed me that when I begin MY landscaping project I will want to put down a layer of chicken wire about 18" below the surface. This is the deterrent part of the war against these pesky creatures. Apparently he won't be able to poke his fuzzy little head up through the chicken wire. Therefore keeping my plants safe from demolition.

Let's hope it works.

By the way, Tiernan has named our gopher Gus. At first there was some guilt about eradicating Gus, but it's since passed.

Little Gus on March 15, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cookies, Cookies, Get your cookies

Here are some more pics from the Girl Scout cookie fun.

Tiernan had her first booth sale on Sat, 3/5 on West Portal. It was supposed to be at Cole and Carl, but when we arrived some other scout (and her mother) had set up camp. When Chrissy asked Mother to present her papers, permit, schedule...something anything to confirm that she'd reserved this space, NADA! What can you do though...with the smiling scout selling her heart out, you can't really tell her to pack it up because her mother decided to break the rules.

Anyhow, Tiernan was reassigned to West Portal right near the tunnel, across from Squat and Gooble (great for me because I needed coffee) and we sold a ton of cookies. Matter of fact, I think it was a better location than the first spot for a number of reasons...

  • parking right in front of the booth
  • proximity to coffee
  • hardware store 1/2 a block away (i needed to have keys made)
  • Lots and lots of foot traffic

A successful venture for all.