Saturday, April 18, 2009

More Fun

Tiernan and I took our second annual trip to Six Flags during her spring break. We had to wait in line for a while to sort out the discount ticket sitch. Which worked to our benefit, she was free and my ticket was $30. So off to a great start.

Next on the agenda, COBRA. Its a smallish roller coaster, not quite a kiddie coaster but certainly not an upside down Vomitron. We had been on this coaster last year so we knew what to expect, it started slow and got a little faster. Overall good start to the day.

We saw both the killer whale show and the dolphin show and chose not sit close enough to get wet. Maybe next time when the weather is warmer. Tiernan took some great pics at the dolphin show.

The best part in my estimation was the last roller coaster, ROAR. Its a wooden coaster with a steep ascent and a fantastic drop. Tiernan's description is that its really slow as you go up that really big hill and then you go down really fast and then its just fast. I would say her description is accurate. While it doesn't do corkscrews or anything upside down it is pretty fast. Tiernan still tells me that it was a little bit scary. I wonder if she'll want to ride it again next year.

Oh and we also drove the Go-Karts. Well, I drove with Pea as my passenger. We crashed into the tire barricades a couple of times. My turns were a little wide at times. He he. Anyhow, Tiernan thinks that I'm a pretty good driver even though I don't practice as much as Uncle Cam.

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