Sunday, February 1, 2009

Plumbing Attractions

It’s been a while since I had the time and honestly the desire to post. What a nutty year. Chrissy and Tiernan moved in with us. Then after eight months of four people, two cats and one bathroom, we moved five blocks to five bedrooms, four bathrooms and best of all, a dishwasher. I started a new job. NO MORE TAX! But those are just some of the highlights.

That was until Monday, January 19th at 1:30 p.m. I’m in the office when my phone rings. Caller ID tells me that my sister is calling. Since I think it’s a “Hey, I’m going to Target, do you need anything?” call, I answer the phone! It goes something like this:

Steph: “Hello.”

Chrissy: “Hey, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it seems as though the drain the garage over flowed.”

Steph: “Huh?”

Chrissy: “Yeah there is some black sludge surrounding the drain…its looks like its receded a little. Oh and some of your stuff got wet so I moved it out of the way.”

Steph: “Uh huh, ok”

Blah blah blah

Chrissy: “oh and at first I didn’t think it smelled, now that I’ve walked from the driveway back into the garage, it smells pretty bad.”

More conversation about calling a plumber, timing, who can be at the house, etc and we finally decide that I’ll call her back after I talk with Cam.

I’ll spare you all the boring stuff about leaving work, meeting the plumber, calling Cam to come home because it seems to be bigger than we both expected.

The next day the plumbers come back to begin the repair, because we are getting a new POOP PIPE!

That’s right, apparently when you completely remodel a house it doesn’t include removing the 70 year old terra cotta sewer pipe. Cam watched as they put a camera into the pipe, of course after they cut the concrete and removed a massive amount of dirt and sand to uncover the collapsed portion of the pipe, but I digress. The camera revealed (and as an avid HGTV watcher I’m soooo sad to have missed this part) that our old poop pipe is cracked and has plant roots growing through it. Guess there’s only so much sh*t one pipe can take.

We are waiting to find out if our homeowner’s insurance will cover part of the repair costs. Until then, enjoy the photos of the hole and the big pile of dirt, ok sand, in the driveway.

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