Monday, February 23, 2009

Thin Mints Anyone?

Tiernan's Girl Scout cookies have landed. I went downstairs and there they were. All 48 cases.
She sold over 250 boxes in the pre-sale period, with the remainder to be sold on Monday, March 9 during her booth sale.

I'm so proud of my favorite Brownie!


Hazel Nootsmaak said...

omigod I could eat an entire room full of thin mints. It's a good thing I'm all the way up here, otherwise I'd be in your house right now mowing through box after box. Effing crack-filled thin mints...

Mir said...

Yay! My thin mints are here!! My thin mints are here!! And will go directly in the freezer until Easter. Why do I do Lent again?

Abby Darrah said...

Hi Steph! Thanks for the updates, I feel much more in touch with you after reading your blog. Miss you! Enjoy those 3,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies! :)

Heidi Upton said...

I LOVE thin mints. Need to find some girl scouts here in NYC ...