Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm a thief. I admit it. But Mir told me to do it. She did. No lies.

Back in December she and I were talking and discovered we had pretty similar new years resolutions:
  • Reduce stress
  • Lose that extra weight
  • Exercise more (well that's mine since sweet Mir is running like a mad lady)
But then she suggested I add something FUN to the resolution list. She had decided that she was going to try at least one new thing a month. A new restaurant, a new author, a new beer, go someplace new. You get the idea.

So I thought not bad, it WOULD be something fun and a resolution that I might actually keep.

Here are a few of January's adventures (in no particular order)
  • Bolinas. Yes, I visited the tiny coastal Marin County town of Bolinas. It was a spur of the moment adventure and well I can honestly say I would not go back. I'm not sure if it is because there wasn't really anyplace to hang out or if it is because I was asked if I would make a beer purchase for an already extremely inebriated gentleman. Anyhow, it's always good to check out a new place.
  • Poggia. I can't remember the last time I dined in Sausalito, but another spur of the moment decision and this one I would repeat. This charming Italian restaurant is part of Casa Madrona in Sausalito. My dinner started with fresh warm bread, followed by a beet and arugula salad, Orecchiette with fennel sausage complimented by a light red wine, and ended with a pear tart. Mmmmm. It was all delicious.
  • Pho. Yours Truly had never had a bowl of this famed Vietnamese soup. That was until Nathan took me for lunch one day when we were both in the office. "Pho Fridays" are a bit of a tradition within BAS. Typically any and all that happen to be in the office on a Friday head out for socializing and soup. It was soooo much better than I expected and quite filling! I didn't need to eat dinner that night.
Thanks Mir for the fantastic idea. More new things in February.

1 comment:

Mir said...

Go Steph go! I love that you are trying new FUN things!