Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seattle Rain

This past Friday, Cam's cousins drove down from Seattle. It's been a couple of years since we had last seen them, so I was quite excited for them to visit. Plus other than parents, they were our FIRST overnight house guests in the new house. I was excited that we could offer them their very own bathroom for the duration of their stay (little did I know how critical it would be to the visit.)

Anyhow, Friday night was mellow, we stayed in for dinner since they'd been driving since four in the morning. Saturday morning started with breakfast at home and then we took off for some shopping. Kelly, came armed with a list of booze that needed to be purchased at a California Costco. For those of you not in the know, only state run stores sell hard alcohol in Washington. So most Washingtonians travelling via automobile to California are asked to bring back some goodies...

(In case you are wondering, Kelly and the boys have visited before which is why we were not doing any of the touristy stuff.)

After a very fruitful trip to Costco, Kelly was kind enough to join us for a trip to Home Depot. This was a trip for purely for me. You see I have been dying to procure a gas grill and since Kell has a MONSTER truck, I asked him if he'd help us get it home. I'm thrilled to say that we now have a gorgeous stainless steel grill that has a rotisserie and an oven. Yes, an oven. It's so awesome. It is my dream barbecue. Sadly, though since it rained the entire weekend, the grill is still in the box in the garage. Have no fear though, the next dry weekend I'm going to grill something with bacon.

After we dropped the barbecue off at home, we headed to Park Chow for some dinner. We needed to find a place the would feed the meat eaters and the vegan in our crew. Dinner was great (although they didn't have mint, so NO wine mojito). We were seated right away and enjoyed a long relaxing meal.

But the night was just getting started. We went back to the house and decided to do a vodka taste test. Kelly bought some of the Kirkland vodka because he'd been told that it was actually Grey Goose. Scarily enough, Its pretty good. Comparable to Grey Goose for sure! Kelly may have enjoyed a little too much of the distilled Kirkland beverage, as he spent several early morning hours in the loo.

Sunday, the boys (Cam, Kelly, Austin and Max) spent the day watching tons of television about cars. Including the Daytona 500. The testosterone levels in the house were unreal. I'd never felt quite so feminine.

Kelly and the boys left for San Jose on Monday morning. They were picking up the interior from Cam's old Bug. They are restoring a sixty-something Bug among other cars. Its a good thing since the seats, headliner and other interior items were collecting dust my in-laws garage.

After that they were planning to drive back home to Washington in the rain and snow. It was a short visit, but I was happy to see them.

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